
Fuchseckstr. 7
70188 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 28049231

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Robert Krämer


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Services we offer

Explanatory films &


Micro Learning &

Adaptive Learning


Digital learning formats raise expectations – and questions: How to do it? Where to get started? Who needs to get on board? What costs will incur? What needs to be considered when implementing? Who offers what? We know these questions very well and help our clients to sort out ideas, create clarity and make decisions – as intensively as necessary, as quickly as possible. Many questions are self-explanatory, whether in the development of pilot projects, the strategic implementation or the operation of a learning ecosystem.


    • Input Workshops
    • Comparison of Authoring Systems
    • Customization of Process Models

Creating a positive learning experience is our passion. Once the framework is set, we let our creativity run wild. With years of experience, we crack even the toughest material, analyzing, thinking, and playing until it works – sensually, understandably, and experientially. Whether multi-device, multimedia or blended learning – to select the appropriate formats, we place the competencies in the context of the performance, learning and assessment activities and then design the appropriate learning scenario.


    • Prototype Development
    • Explanatory Vidoes

The production of learning media is teamwork. Sounds good – but media production is first and foremost a division of labor. With an eye on the big picture, we bring together nerds, aesthetes, geeks, pedants, freaks, theorists, and creatives, and create space for short paths, clear messages, quick comprehension, a positive attitude, and respect. For us, every technician is also a musician, just as every lyricist can also be a mathematician.


    • Prototype Development
    • Explanatory Videos
    • Migrations

Blended learning has become an integral part of modern workforce development strategies. Both cost reduction and quality assurance play a role. Combining the operational side of digital media production with the strategic side of content management requires powerful tools. The open source components of the BLX Ecosystem make it possible to map the complete lifecycle of digital learning formats and to operate clearly defined products with high process transparency and service quality.


    • Enabling & Trainings
    • Support Levels